Companies, International groups, self-employed, associations, individuals

Debt collection and customer risk management

Don't be left alone with your debtors.
Our lawyers specialized in debt collection will assist you in obtaining quick payment of your bills, drafts and unpaid rent.

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Our debt collection performance in 2021
debts collected
Debt collection in France, unpaid invoices

They trust us for the collection of their debts and the management of their receivables

CGM Medical group, confie son recouvrement à PROGERIS
Stanhome confie son recouvrement à PROGERIS
ZITY France confie son recouvrement à PROGERIS
Renault Retail Group confie son recouvrement à PROGERIS
Bergerat Monnoyeur confie son recouvrement à PROGERIS
Johnson & Johnson Santé Beauté France, confie son recouvrement à PROGERIS

Why choose Progeris for your debt collection?

Progeris puts at your disposal a team of professionals with an experience of more than 35 years in the field of debt collection France and international.


We always give priority to reactivity without ever neglecting either listening to your needs or the quality of your service.

A team of permanent and accessible lawyers who analyze your case files and act in your best interest.
A perfect knowledge of procedures, enforcement routes, and judicial officer scales.
A direct contact with your debtor, with home visits in France and the DOM-TOM if necessary, in order to safeguard your commercial interests.
An international network of correspondents to meet your increasingly specific needs in foreign markets.


As the need to control late payments and incidents is ever more important, your business must use a system of debt management, that is together fast, secure and efficient. Progeris implements the most effective means.

Our lawyers, all graduates from the French National School of Procedure or Law School, have one goal: To obtain payment of debt obligations in principal, interest and other expenses.
A network of bailiffs selected for their performance, in permanent relation with our services.
Specialized field assistants, able to analyze the creditworthiness of your debtor and proceed with the collection.
Effective debt collection in France and abroad


Progeris's, method is to understand your real concerns and swiftly bring you bespoke solutions.

Your profits are reduced and your customer's unpaid bills penalize you more. Progerisleads amicable actions and recovery procedures as soon as possible, at the right price.
In a competitive economic environment, the need to safeguard your business relationships is more important than ever. Progerisundertakes effective actions with great diplomacy and rigor.
You require a efficient turnover of your customer account. Progerisintervenes as soon as you have commissioned them in order to quickly obtain payment.
To increase your profits, you want a decrease in your provision for bad debts. Progeris pays the recovered funds to you as soon as it is possible.
Your goal is to limit your losses. Progerisprovides the legal arsenal for efficient debt recovery.


We always offer clear rates, without ever overcharging fees.

Decrease the duration of your customer credit : Invoice management, PROGEFAC
Intervene amicably with your debtor in order to prevent the consequences of non-payment : The notice.
Take charge of the case, after our lawyers have made their diagnosis, and ensure a constant and effective monitoring : law enforcement.
Temporarily assign a credit manager to your company to restructure your accounting and optimize your customer account : Operational Audit.
Control your customer credit risk by giving you access to comprehensive and quality financial and economic information : personalized information.
Demandez un devis de recouvrement de créances

Our lawyers study your case

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We listen to your situation in order to offer you the most appropriate solution to your needs and constraints.

Debt collection in France and abroad through our offices and partnerships

Progeris is located in different regions and has a large network of international partners to carry out your debt collection, in France and abroad.


Geographical area
102-104 Avenue Edouard Vaillant
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Illustration of the Progeris offices


Geographical area
1 route du Pérolier
69570 Dardilly
Illustration of the Progeris offices


Geographical area
9 rue Gonzague
08104 Charleville-Mézières
Illustration of the Progeris offices


Geographical area
21 boulevard de Nancy
BP 10117
67069 Strasbourg Cedex
Illustration of the Progeris offices